10 Ways to Eat Seeds Every Day

10 Ways to Eat Seeds Every Day

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Small seeds that pack optimal nutrition are the latest nourishing must-haves to eat. In my book The Need for Seeds: How to Make Seeds an Everyday Food in Your Healthy Diet, I explain the numerous health and nutrition benefits of seeds. Here are 10 ways to eat seeds every day!

chia_apricot_blueberriesChia Seeds

Chia is a great addition to snacks and meals because it doesn’t significantly change the way the food tastes, though it does give it a bit of a crunch. When water is added to chia seeds, they become mucilaginous, which is a fancy word for gel-forming.

Two ways to add chia seeds:

  1. Add a teaspoon (5 mL) to Greek yogurt for a snack.
  2. Make chia pudding.


Whole flaxseeds have a crunchy texture and a mild, nutty flavour. They are gluten-free, can be eaten raw, and can be bought either whole or ground. I recommend grinding the flaxseeds to break down the hard hull in order to get their full nutritional benefit.

Two ways to add flax:

  1. Add whole flaxseeds to your favorite cookie or bar recipe.
  2. Use it as an egg substitute by mixing 1 tablespoon (15 mL) ground flaxseeds with 3 tablespoons (45 mL) of water. Let it sit for five minutes. This amount replaces one egg – a great option for plant-based baking.


Hemp Seeds

Home grown hemp seeds have a slightly nutty flavor and aroma, and a creamy texture. They are extremely tiny and light beige-green in color. They are gluten-free and can be eaten raw.

Two ways to add hemp seeds:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons (10 mL) to a post workout smoothie.
  2. Add them to your favourite muffin recipe.

Pumpkin Seeds

Much more than a once-a-year treat after carving the Halloween jack-o’-lantern, these seeds are now a year-round delight! Pumpkin seeds have a chewy, slightly crunchy texture and a subtly sweet, nutty flavor.

Two ways to add pumpkin seeds:

  1. Add them to your trail mix.
  2. Add to your favourite coleslaw or salad recipe.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflowers are thought to have originated in Mexico and Peru; however, they were one of the first plants to be cultivated in the United States. Shelled sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty taste and a firm but tender texture.

Two ways to add sunflower seeds:

  1. On-the-go snack directly from the shell.
  2. Toss on sautéed vegetables.


The Need for Seeds

For more ways to eat seeds every day, my book The Need for Seeds: How to Make Seeds an Everyday Food in Your Healthy Diet, can be purchased via Amazon.com & Amazom.ca.

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