My top three tips to fall into autumn

My top three tips to fall into autumn

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We all need simple tips this time of year, especially as we get back into a routine after the summer vacation and less pandemic restrictions. I like using the change of seasons as motivation to set new goals. Therefore, the shift from summer to fall is a good time to take inventory and see what small changes I want to make to my daily habits. Let’s look at my top three tips to fall into autumn.

Get up earlier

If the shorter days have you abandoning your evening walk or jog, change your habit to work out in the morning. I find as it gets darker earlier this time of year, the comfy sofa is staring me down in the evening! However, in the mornings I have more energy and less temptation to skip my workout. Set your morning alarm 20 minutes earlier to start.

Identify a single fitness goal to get started and stick with it three times for that first week, then gradually build upon it. Getting into a routine of working out in the morning will give you more energy throughout day and I guarantee you will start to miss it the mornings you don’t workout.

Get outside

It’s such a beautiful time of year with the cooler temperatures and crisp air to enjoy walking, biking hiking or even yard work like raking leaves. Did you know you can burn up to 150 calories in 30 minutes cleaning up yard, plus you have just completed another activity on the never-ending to-do list. What about planning a visit to a local farm to pick apples or wander the corn maze with the family?

A picnic with local foods in a near by park or conservation area is always an economical way to spent time with friends and family. How about an overnight at a local inn to de-stress and enjoy the fall colours? Walk the trails, cycle and canoe to get in some exercise while enjoying the beautiful season and bountiful harvest.

Get restful sleep

I’ve been an advocate for restful sleep for years. As more and more devices began infiltrating our lives, I predicted sleep would be affected. Also with the pandemic, the house became our 24/7 office, and entertainment space with very little change of scenery. As a result, many people were releasing stress in that accessible kitchen, rather than focusing on healthy habits that help with stress management including restful sleep.

When you don’t get enough sleep it can cause an increase in ghrelin, the hunger-promoting hormone, and a decrease in leptin, the hunger-suppressing hormone, making you crave more food than necessary. Sleep is just as important as healthy eating and research recommends at least seven to eight hours every night. Set a sleep routine and stick to it.

Final thought for my top three tips to fall into autumn

All it takes is some tips and planning to stay refreshed, rejuvenated and motivated this fall. Practice my top three tips to fall into autumn, add a few of your own and by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, you’ll be ready to deal with the festivities of eating extra, family gatherings and change in routine.

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