Three 5 Minute Motivational Tips to Stay on Track with your Healthy Lifestyle
As a dietitian and a business owner of a growing venture, I never experience the same schedule twice. With that in mind, I know firsthand it can be challenging to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle. People are searching for ways to help them live a better, healthier and happier life. It’s not a secret that diet, fitness, and sleep are leading factors in my healthy lifestyle equation.
When you practice healthy eating, have a fitness strategy and get restful sleep daily it prepares you to deal with the stress life throws at you. Let’s explore my top three 5 minute motivational tips to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle.
Wake up 5 Minutes Earlier to Visualize the Day
I recommend taking 5 minutes each morning to visualize your day. Make a list of your top three nutrition and fitness tactics for that specific day. I know if I’m commuting to Toronto for a meeting my activities are different than a day spent in my office working on a client project. Take 5 minutes to identify both the constants in your schedule and areas where there are changes, this will set you up to be adaptable for that particular day.
For example, you may need to grab some nutritious on-the-go snacks for the long commute so you’re not tempted to divert to a fast food restaurant. Scheduling exercise before you settle into the office can jumpstart your metabolism and provide an energy boost that helps you think more clearly and combat stress throughout the day.
Cross Off Activities on Your To-Do List Midday
Time management will help keep you motivated with your nutrition and fitness goals. Midway through the day take 5 minutes to review your list and cross off the tactics you have completed. This is the ideal time to readjust them if your schedule has changed. Often we get an unexpected emails or calls in the day and need to realign our schedule. Don’t let a change in schedule disrupt your nutrition and fitness completely.
If you find yourself getting roped into too many distractions, take this 5 minute window to get back in the zone. Refocus and motivate yourself to honour the healthy lifestyle equation of diet, fitness and sleep during this time.
Debrief at the End of the Day to Reflect on your Successes
Take 5 minutes at the end of the day to reflect on three positive nutrition and fitness goals you met during the day. Did you start your day with a healthy breakfast? Or maybe you practiced portion control at the catered lunch meeting with the tray of never ending dessert choices. Or did you make time for a 20 minute walk over the lunch hour?
Five minutes at the end of each day will remind you of the successes, you may be taking for granted during the day, that are helping you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. Plus it will promote a positive mind as you prepare for a good night’s rest!
I’d love to share more of my Motivational Tips and Healthy Lifestyle Solutions with you!
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