Trending Tahini
For me, sesame seeds were the “new seeds on the block” when my book The Need for Seeds was published three years ago. They were not in my recipe file or a go-to item on my grocery list. Today, both …
For me, sesame seeds were the “new seeds on the block” when my book The Need for Seeds was published three years ago. They were not in my recipe file or a go-to item on my grocery list. Today, both …
The North American palate is evolving. Consumers are no longer satisfied with the typical ketchup, salt and pepper and have become more open to trying new flavours from around the world. We (Generation Xers) along with Millennials and Generation Z …
Happy 2019! How is your nutrition and fitness strategy shaping up for the new year? My philosophy has always been and continues to be no single food or ingredient will instantaneously reverse an unhealthy, stressful lifestyle. And I believe that …
It’s that time of year again when food and nutrition trends are making headlines. Predictions are coming from all types of media including me. Identifying and sharing food trends continues to be an important and entertaining aspect of my business. …
Thank you for your great feedback about my first Food and Nutrition Trends blog in this two part series. Now for Food and Nutrition Trends for 2018 Part Two, I’m thrilled to share with you my three favourite trends that will …
Happy 2018! It’s that time of year again when food and nutrition trends are making headlines. Predictions are coming from all types of media including me. Identifying and sharing food trends continues to be an important and entertaining aspect of …
Thank you for your excellent feedback on my What the Heck is series. I love finding and investigating new ingredients and foods, then giving you the 411 on them. Next in line is moringa! What the heck is moringa? Moringa …
I first wrote about aquafaba in 2016 for my Bakers Journal Column – the Final Proof. I interviewed Margaret Hughes, vice-president of sales and marketing for Best Cooking Pulses, and asked “What the Heck is Aquafaba?” Hughes explained: “A recent …
Known as Nectar of the Gods, mead may be one of the world’s oldest alcoholic beverages. The earliest evidence for mead is 7th century BC in China. Recently, mead has been spotted in literature (Harry Potter, and Lord of the …