This is another blog topic from my early 2020 list, before the global pandemic disrupted the world’s focus for almost everything including our behaviours around food and eating patterns.  As consumers continue to crave innovative healthy snacks from natural sources …

What the Heck are Water Lily Seeds?  Read more »

According to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, it is estimated that 20 million Canadians suffer from some type of digestive issue. Since the Global Pandemic we have seen an increase interest in digestive and immune health. Often gluten is blamed …

What The Heck Is The Low FODMAP Diet? Read more »

The global pandemic has transformed the way we shop, eat, and think about food.  My clients are asking me which trends will continue as we re-open with the shadow of a second wave looming over us.  Based on my experience, …

My Top Three Pandemic Trends That Will Continue    Read more »

Consumer behaviour is complex. With the chaos of the global pandemic, consumers’ have shown us panic buying, levels of overt hostility and kindness different than we had witnessed prior to the crisis, plus more controlling behaviours to gain power over …

What the heck is Intermittent Fasting? Read more »

Prior to the global pandemic, consumers were interested in mushrooms and immune health. Now that we are focussed on improving our wellbeing including nutrition and fitness habits amid COVID-19, foods with immune health halos are becoming even more popular. Reishi …

What the Heck are Reishi Mushrooms? Read more »

First up – technically it’s a dairy-free substitute for butter or simply a plant-based spread. This is not something new, the terms butter and milk are widely being used to describe plant-based alternatives both on package and via marketing campaigns, …

What the Heck is Watermelon Seed Butter? Read more »

In My Top Five Food Trends for 2020 blog, I predicted foods for healthy aging will continue to gain momentum this year.  We’ve been hearing more about choline and its role for healthy brain development and maintenance. So, what the …

What the Heck is Choline? Read more »