My 2025 food trends forecast

My 2025 food trends forecast

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It is that time of year again when trend predictions are everywhere. For over a decade, my business has been identifying and sharing health, nutrition, food and agriculture trends. In 2025, we will continue to navigate a complex global economy. This is shaping many aspects of our lives including how we spend our food dollars, choose our food and related experiences. Let’s explore my 2025 food trends forecast.

Health – Precision Wellness

Health and wellness communication is a core part of my business services. Over the past decade, consumers have become more engaged with the benefit of positive nutrition (adding ingredients that support health conditions) and the role of eating for health for both immediate and long-term consequences. Every year, Innova compiles its Top Ten Food & Beverage Trends, based on direct consumer trends research to identify shifts in behavior and preference, as well as on product launches and on-pack information from the market. Innova’s number two trend for 2025 is Health – Precision Wellness.

Innova’s research indicates nearly 60 per cent of consumers say they are proactive about their health, with over half planning their nutrition intake based on health issues. Consumers seek balanced nutrition through easy-to-consume functional food and beverage products tailored to their life stage, lifestyle, and health needs. Personalized nutrition plans are seen as more effective, with key focus areas including women’s health, weight management, mood and performance.

Consumers are increasingly taking a very personal precision approach to their own nutrition, tailoring food choices to their lifestyle, their life stage or a specific health condition. Innova analysts have seen a huge increase in products with a female positioning, such as products for menopause. Another big topic is weight management. Lu Ann Williams, Global Insights Director at Innova said, “This year, consumers have told us weight loss is their top concern, and this is applicable across the 11 countries we did this study in. We see very fast growth in products with a weight management claim and we see opportunities for specialised approaches to this.” 

Plant-based Aquatic Ingredients

I have been speaking and writing about the blue economy for the past eight years. Consumers want ingredients that are healthy for me and healthy for the planet. I featured Oceans of possibilities from Innova’s top ten trends for 2024. As we rethink agriculture for 2025 and the future, the blue economy is a concept that refers to the sustainable use and management of ocean and coastal resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and environmental sustainability.

Whole Foods Market’s Trends Council has unveiled their top 10 anticipated food trends for 2025. “Our tenth anniversary of trend forecasting marks an important milestone for us, reflecting a decade of sharing innovation and culinary exploration that crosses every aisle,” said Sonya Gafsi Oblisk, Chief Merchandising and Marketing Officer at Whole Foods Market. Plant-based Aquatic Ingredients is one of those ten trends. With the continued popularity of seaweed and the increasing interest in harvesting readily available aquatic plants for more-sustainable sources of protein and nutrients, the tide is turning toward foods made with more sea and freshwater greens.

Whole food predicts sea moss making a splash as a buzzy wellness ingredient — especially touted for its iron, magnesium and iodine content — in formats such as beverages and gummies. Duckweed, or water lentils, is in the early stages of emerging on the scene and boasts a higher protein content than other leafy greens, and agar-agar (a plant-based gelatin alternative that comes from red algae) is primarily fibre based and promoted for digestive support.

Crunch: Texture of the Moment

Texture innovation is a hot topic! Crunch: Texture of the Moment is another one of Whole Foods Market’s Trends Council top 10 anticipated food trends for 2025. From crispy grains and granola to sprouted and fermented nuts to roasted chickpeas and mushroom chips — consumers are increasingly reaching for these items to enhance meals and add texture to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Brands are creating crunchier versions of the ever-popular chili crisp, while new seasonings marketed for their texture are stars of salads and roasted veggies. Dehydrated fruits and candy are taking over social media, with consumers seeking that light, airy crunch. This trending texture can also be seen in beverages and desserts, like crème brûlée espresso martinis or pistachio-topped pastries.

My book, The Need for Seeds was published in 2016. Eight years later, seeds are gaining more and more traction for their amazing nutritional properties and crunch factor! Sprinkle, garnish, roast, bake and cook with these must-have, crunchy nutritious ingredients to boost the sensory, texture experience of any snack or meal.

Final thoughts for my 2025 food trends forecast

Although none of us have a crystal ball, as an industry thought leader and health professional for three decades, I am convinced these trends for 2025 will thrive. Wishing you a healthy, safe and fun holiday season!

Contact Jane and her team to partner with you on your 2025 projects and speak at your upcoming events including podcasts.

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