My Top Three Food Hacks for the Traveling Entrepreneur

My Top Three Food Hacks for the Traveling Entrepreneur

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As a dietitian and a business owner of a growing venture, I never experience the same schedule twice. With that in mind, I know firsthand it can be challenging to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while traveling for business. People often tell me they experience the same and that they frequently get off track while they are on the road. Let’s explore my top three food hacks for the traveling entrepreneur.

In the Car

As a traveling foodie and entrepreneur I love teaching clients, friends and family how to prepare for all day travel, so you’re not reliant on high calorie, high sodium fast food options. The night before the road trip, line up all your favourites including fruits, veggies, sandwiches, nuts and seeds. Purchase sealable containers, ice packs and coolers to transport your favourite foods on the road trip. Then make sure you have a healthy well balanced breakfast including high quality protein before you hit the road.


On the Plane

Air travel today is not what it was when I first started my entrepreneurial career! Regularly it can involve delays, over bookings and situations with minimal access to healthy food choices. This is why I always recommend to pack fruit, nuts and seeds in your carry-on when traveling domestically and bring packaged healthy snacks like hummus and crackers when travelling internationally. Plus, I make sure I always hydrate prior to going through security and then immediately purchase water prior to boarding the plane to stay in tip top shape for the long haul and to deal with any delays or other stressful air travel conditions.


At the Hotel

For business travel, when I’m at a hotel for more than two nights I want an in-room fridge or kitchen so I’m not relying on restaurant food portion sizes. I recommend checking out local grocery stores that specialize in premade healthy options. Jimbo’s Natural Food Grocer is a favourite of mine when I’m visiting San Diego. I stock up on delish quinoa salad, Greek yogurt, sunflower seeds, almonds and fresh fruit. Then I have simple, easy ingredients for breakfast and a light snack after a long day.


Traveling Entrepreneur Bottom-Line

All it takes is some planning to stay on top of the food piece of your healthy lifestyle while you’re traveling for business. Practice my top three food hacks for the traveling entrepreneur and by the time your next business trip or all day travel rolls around, you’ll be ready deal with the stress life throws at you in the car, on the plane or at the hotel!

I’d love to share more of my Healthy Lifestyle Solutions with you and your colleagues.
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